Detective Shifter
Main Description
Detective is an Impostor hunting crewmate, making his family members an exception. He seeks out the impostors based on evidence he collects and is known for being the smartest crewmate in a group by many. He's a lot smarter than anyone else and more menacing than regular crewmates.
He looks like a black crewmate with an old fashioned detective's black fedora. He can also be seen to have a black gentleman's suit with a red tie. He also has several less visible scars on his body.

Family and relationships | Biographical Information | Physical Description |
- He, like Pink Shifter, also has a few scars around his body.
- He gave birth to Pink and Rose.
- His appearance can be a reference to CG5's Brown, being almost the same character but with clothes being brown color instead of black.
- THis scars are also from protecting children but some as from Pink Shifter's teasing.
- "Shifter" is their made up last name, for they don't remember their parents' last names.