Resiver Pink Shifter
Main Description
Pink Shifter is a smug and cocky but silly impostor shapeshifter, content with leading a joyful life within a loving family. While inclined to be mean and rude towards others, their intentions primarily revolve around playful jokes and lighthearted mischief.
Pink Shifter is a pink shapeshifting impostor, capable of assuming any form. They wield a black watch with a red screen on their right wrist to pick a shapeshifting target. Their torn mouth reveals sharp teeth and a thick pink tongue. A shining angelic halo hovers above their head, accompanied by a golden piercing on their visor. They wear a black suit with a red tie, brown shoes, and a white shirt. Notable is a large scar on their face, along with smaller scars scattered across their body.

Family and relationships | Biographical Information | Physical Description |
- Pink Shifter had a habit of feeding Penelope dead bodies and treating Mitchell with pizzas.
- A significant aspect to their life is their brain tumor.
- They've obtained their scars from protecting their children.
- They're the dominant one in a relationship with Detective.
- "Shifter" is their made up last name, for they don't remember their parents' last names.

Adult Appearance; Age 41

Younger Appearance; Age 33

The Shifter family